Thursday, January 20, 2011

Doctor in Disguise - Dr Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera also known as Gheekunwar in sanskrit is one of the ancient and best known medicinal plant to human kind. Benefits of Aloe Vera plant vary widely from improvement in digestion to external skin care to curing Asthma and many other ailments.

  • People suffering from gastric & ulcers problems can take aloe vera gel mixed with some quantity of honey to keep away the bland taste of aloe vera on empty stomach. Taking this consistently over a period of time can cure you of ulcers & gastric related problems permanently.
  • When mixed with Amla and applied over the scalp, improves the strength of hair follicles & enhances growth of new hair follicles.

  • Aloe vera fights against many skin allergies when applied over the affected skin region, it acts as an antiseptic and anti inflammatory agent for burns and wounds on the skin.

  • There are absolutely no side effects of consuming aloe vera gel or aloe vera juice and is 100% natural. It can be stored at room temperatue or even refrigerated. Better would be to grow a plant of your own aloe vera in your backyard or even in a earthen pot.

  • Most of these facts about aloe vera plant have been experienced by me, my family members and my close friends who have been using aloe vera regularly for quite sometime now.

Do write to me your comments or questions, I am more then willing to suggest more home remedies for different ailments.


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