Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Love or Arranged Marriage

Im my opnion, arranged marriages have far better success rates than love marriages. The basic reason being multiple dimensions getting attached when going in for arranged marriage. Arranged marriages have been an integral part of the Indian society since ages. Basically a marriage is termed as arranged when it is arranged by people other than those getting married. There are a wide number of advantages in arranged marriages

1. Arranged marriages bring in a sense of protection and security in the form of parents and friends.

2. The relationship starts with the wedding in an arranged marriage, which means, lot of excitement among couples to know eachother more.

3. Arranged marriages are a representation of ancient indian culture and help in keeping the tradtions and values of a society intact.

Just like the 2 faces of a coin, arranged marriages can also run in problems, but the chances, when compared to love marriage are lesser. The reason being, there is always a family who have good experience in educating and explaining the young couple.

Infact if you look at statistics, the number of divorces in an arranged marriage are far far less when compared to love marriages. In love marriages expectations are more compared to arrange marriages, as they know each other and want their partner to act in the best possible manner. Arranged marriages, offer more protection and security to the women as the parents decide the family. Parents make use of their maturity and decision while choosing suitable spouses for their children. The decision of parents sometimes helps to make the right choice. But it doesn't mean that arranged marriages are ideal marriages but are better than love marriages.